Supporting small businesses is very importation to us. With that, finding quality products that have meaning behind them always make a difference to me and has an impact on what I purchase whether its for the showroom or for my own home. One of these products is 1803 Candles.
Their Story
My vision is, and has always been, to produce a soy candle that is as fragrant when you burn it to the bottom as when you opened the lid.
We were a cottage industry candle company founded in 2006 by myself and my father. In 2005 my dad and I wicked, tested, and poured, wicked, tested, and poured, again and again for a year and a half. When we produced the highest quality soy candle possible it was time to introduce 1803 Candles® to the world.
1803 Candles has grown each year from our beginnings in our garage to an 14,000 square foot warehouse/manufacturing facility with several facility stops in between without wavering from my vision. My husband and I work side by side at 1803 Candles®; but before 1803 Candles® was born I had a retail store for 12 years. I have a great appreciation for the small business owners across the United States.
Family Oriented
We work daily with pride to bring our customers the best soy candle. We have the greatest employees in the land; from our superior office crew to our facility candle crew who hand mix our outstanding fragrance oils, pour our soy wax, lid, label & wrap our jars, fill orders and then carefully pack and ship to the greatest customers in the land. We have 15 employees and many are “moms” working while their children are in school. We have formed positions with the vision of “family first” without sacrificing quality and production. This makes for happy moms and happy kiddos. We are fortunate to have our warehouse adjacent to the school because we can watch a gaggle of kids, walk across the yard to the warehouse after school.